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Nobody expects a wizards imposition

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Malorum, the first Grand Inquisitor, was killed on Naboo by Ferus Olin. Inquisitors instead spent much of their time looking for potential Jedi candidates and Force activity in the backwater parts of the Galactic Empire, most often in the Outer Rim Territories, at the discretion of their leader the Grand Inquisitor. However, since Imperial Intelligence was quite effective in interrogating the average subject, they rarely required the services of an Inquisitor. In addition, several members of the Inquisitorius were themselves speculated to have been former Jedi. When usual methods of interrogation such as torture and Bavo Six injections failed to break a subject, Imperial Intelligence would call upon an Inquisitor, who would use powerful Force skills in conjunction with traditional but effective methods of manipulation to obtain success. Subjects were attained for the Inquisitors by authorization of LAACDocs. The Inquisitors' primary purpose was the interrogation of Jedi or particularly resistant subjects. Years later, Brakiss formed a similar organization for training darksiders, the Shadow Academy, under the Second Imperium.Īlthough they used lightsabers, Inquisitors could use vibroblades, electrostaffs, DX-2 disruptor pistols, and DXR-6 disruptor rifles for intimidation tactics. However, he did furnish the Inquisitorius with information about the Praxeum before vanishing.

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When Brakiss eventually fled Yavin IV, he did not return to the Inquisitorius, but joined forces with Kueller. Luke realized what Brakiss was all along, but hoped to redeem him. One of these was Jerec, who attempted to gain control of the Valley of the Jedi, but was foiled by Kyle Katarn.Īfter the last death of the Emperor, the few surviving Inquisitors sent one of their failed apprentices, Brakiss, to infiltrate Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV. Many Inquisitors joined the Pentastar Alignment under the title of Great InQuestor of Judgment. During this time, Inquisitor Valin Draco became involved in Sarlacc Project, the secret construction of a prototype Super Star Destroyer, showing that the order didn't focus solely on matters of the Force.įollowing the first death of the Emperor at Endor, the bureaucracy of the Inquisitorius engaged in infighting with other branches of the government to determine a successor, but some of Sidious's darksiders kept silent, knowing that the Dark Lord of the Sith would return. The Inquisitors were also responsible for awakening Arden Lyn after a twenty-five millennia long sleep. Inquisitors would also search for non-Jedi Force-users to serve Sidious. If the Inquisitor could not, it was their duty to eliminate the Jedi. If an Inquisitor captured a Jedi, it was their job to make the Jedi turn to the dark side, and join Sidious' New Order. While many Jedi fell in the Great Jedi Purge, some, such as Antinnis Tremayne and Jerec, betrayed their order and joined the ranks of both the Inquisitorius and the Emperor's Dark Side Adepts. Applicants had to prove themselves powerful and reliable. First, they were extensively tested and examined by Imperial Intelligence, then by the Grand Inquisitor, then by Sidious himself.

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Potential Inquisitors were put through a rigorous selection process. Maroon zeyd-cloth robes were standard for Inquisitors in the formative years of the Empire. It consisted of agents referred to as Inquisitors tasked with hunting down Jedi who managed to survive Order 66. The Inquisitorius was an organization established around 19 BBY by Emperor Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious. While classified as part of Imperial Intelligence, the Inquisitorius division reports directly to Emperor Palpatine." ― Admiral Wullf Yularen, Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide Some of the Inquisitors may even be former Jedi themselves. Chief among their duties is to hunt, capture, and interrogate Jedi. They are among those whom the Emperor calls his Dark Side Adepts. " The Inquisitors are the Emperor's shadowy agents.

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